This blog is dedicated to helping Catherine Evangelista - former Cary Vice Chair of the Wake County Democratic Party in Wake County, NC - decide to run for public office so the rest of Cary or Wake County will see what a delightful person she is to work with. Catherine was removed from office by a 16-5 vote of the Executive Council of the NC Democratic Party, yet she still claims she did nothing to deserve it.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

This explains quite a bit - Catherine is from the (crazy) Gene pool!

I got "brigged" on Cary Politics the other night. Here is a screen shot of the private message:

And here is the message:
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Default You have received an infraction at Cary Politics

Dear VVActivist,

You have received an infraction at Cary Politics.

Reason: Insulted or otherwise compromised a CP Member's family

I won't bother repeating the other crap she posted in that private message. Suffice it to say that it wasn't true and she's not as good at researching the facts as she thinks she is - something that will come back to bite her in the ass sometime fairly soon.

This infraction is worth 10 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

Original Post:
The original posting has been removed, but I wanted you to see exactly what family member Catherine was referring to:

Originally Posted by CatherineE View Post
Originally Posted by VVActivist View Post
t he doesn't even live in NC nor does he vote here.

So Catherine - how come it's OK for Gene to be concerned about the NC Democratic Party when he doesn't even live in the state, but it's not ok for other Wake County Dems to be concerned about races in Cary?
(CT note - Catherine's tall tales deleted here because it's just plain fiction!)
Once again Catherine you are deluded. You can't believe everything you research on the Net. Sometimes you have to get off your tushey and take a drive and look at the actual papers. I have never been busted for anything like what you claim.

And you want to talk about credibility? Do you seriously think that Gene Messick has credibility after he hounded NCDP personnel so much that his wife quit her county party chair position and then took out a Domestic Violence Protective Order out against him - which he himself has written about? That he violated four times?

And he pulled the same stunts in VA once he moved there. He's been banned from the VA Tech campus and now he carpet e-mail bombs every legislator in VA the same way he bothers NC Dems.

Your "white knight" has about as much credibility as you do.
The only other person mentioned in my posting BESIDES Catherine Evangelista was "Crazy" Gene Messick. Therefore he could be the only person who could possibly be a family member who could have been insulted or compromised.

Now I recall her posting something about having an NC grandmother, so that could be how they are related, but I couldn't be sure until now.

There you have it - right from the mooon-bat's computer - she is related to "Crazy" Gene Messick.

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